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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Welcome to Region 112

Region 112 Referee Requirements

The AYSO National Referee Program has identified various minimum certification levels that prepare a volunteer to safely manage a match of youth players.  These certification levels are as follows:

 Badge Level Min. Age (years) Center Ref (Division)Assistant Ref (Division) 
 U-8 Official 10 8U Not Applicable
 Assistant Referee 12 8U 10U, 12U
 Regional Referee 12 8U, 10U 10U, 12U
 Intermediate Referee 14 8U,10U,12U 10U, 12U, 14U
 Advanced Referee 16 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U All Divisions
 National Referee 18 All DivisionsAll Divisions

AYSO National Referee Training Matrix (2024)

AYSO National Referee Program Manual  (2024)

How to Become a Referee
If you already have a Sports Connect account, but have never previously signed up to volunteer, you can login to your account and click the "volunteer" tab on the left side of the page. Click "Find Volunteer Roles". Then jump to bullet point 4 in Step one, "Register as a volunteer - AYSO Wiki" linked below

If you don't already have a Sports Connect account you can start right here at Step one

Step one - Also, the region website  is our Sports Connect Portal.
Register as a volunteer - AYSO Wiki ***THIS MAY TAKE A DAY TO UPDATE 

Step two - Create a Sports Connect account
Accessing AYSOU - AYSO Wiki 

Step three - On line training - "Watch video first"
Take an online course - AYSO Wiki 

Take the following courses under in Safe Haven:
AYSO’s Safe Haven - Online
- CDC Concussion Awareness - Online
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest - Online
- Safesport - Online

Complete the Online Referee course: 
Regional Referee - Online + In-Person Companion Course - if you are 12 years old and older and want to referee 10U and continue to older levels - Then attend In-Person Companion Course.

8U Official Course - Online - if you are 11 years old and younger and only want to start out at 8U

See YOU on the soccer pitch -
Referee Administrator,


Upcoming Classes

Referee certifications are good forever! If you have already taken a referee class and have your Regional Badge, you do not need to take another Regional Class. You are welcome to attend a class if you would like a refresher.

Classes in Region 112:

8U Official Course
Online at AYSOU - under Training Library, Refereeing, "AYSO - 8U Official"

Regional Referee Companion Course dates:
September 7, 2024  9:00am - 12:00pm @ Bonita High School, La Verne, 91750

Classes Outside Region 112


Intermediate, Advanced and National Upgrade Courses

Questions?  Please contact Ray Ortiz, Regional Referee Administrator (Email: [email protected])

National Partners

Contact Us

AYSO Region 112 La Verne/San Dimas

PO Box 264 
San Dimas, California 91773

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 909-833-3742
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